Wednesday, September 9, 2009

We learn from pain not from happiness!

Dear Ee Lin,

In the past few months, you have been busy searching jobs in Singapore and eventually you got an interview from National Cancer Center in Singapore. You were so thrilled and excited at that time. However, these feelings didn't last long enough till you start the job. Along the interview and application process, you had struggled so much due to so many doubts and worries. You weren't able to describe what is the actual fear at that particular moment. But, as it goes along, you found out that it was you yourself. You are always lack of confidence and never ever try to solve problem or even dare to face them. With this kind of behavior and attitude, you made yourself lost a very good opportunity.

p/s: I felt very sorry to the principal investigator, Dr. Mac and his research staffs from the laboratory of oncoproteomics (Hui min, Siok yuen, Celine, Khin and Grace) . Due to my indecisiveness, I had made the whole recruiting process lengthy and difficult. To be honest, I felt like a troublemaker and it just so not ME! Me myself also get frustrated. Can't really imagine how they actually feel about me. I can't believe that i still have doubts till the day i am going to sign the offer letter, it was totally insane and ridiculous.I was very upset with my own indecisiveness. But, what i can say is , never look back but take this experience to grow and be a better person. My journey as a graduate student will start off next month in Oct and I believe there are so many things that i have to learn and explore in Science. Conducting research is my passion and strive to be happy is my motto.

Attached article is what my best friend, YiHuey has posted on her blog lately,

苏格拉底是古希腊的大哲学家。他在风烛残年之际,想考验和点化一位平时看来很不错的助手。于是 ,他把那位助手叫到病床前 ,深情地说:“ 我的蜡所剩不多了, 得找另一根蜡接着点下去, 你明白我的意思吗?”

助手连忙答道: 明白, 您的光辉思想得很好地传承下去 !








“ 失望的是我,对不起的却是你!”说到这里,苏格拉底就闭上眼睛。停顿许久,他又不无哀怨地说:“本来,最优秀的就是你。你不敢相信自己,才把自己给忽略、 给耽误、给丢失了。你要知道,每个人都可以成为最优秀的人才。关键在于能否自己认识自己、自己尊重和推荐自己……”话没说完,一代哲人——苏格拉底就永远 地离开了他深切关注的世界……

meaningful though!


  1. you had hunted me for few weeks but u never hunt for the REAL EELIM.Keep going on,i believe in your sentences,much of sincere.i know you are trying to get rid of the behaviour,hard but you will know,u can do it!!

  2. You are the best and supportive sista ever!I am so glad to have you around me and those courages you provide, i might not be albe to pay back but believe me the bottom of my heart, I thank god for giving me such a good fren.

  3. plz..if u care bout me as i care bout u,plz love urself..

  4. i guess it's not something tat u really want, tat's y u r indecisive and let it go. or u r uncertain of ur 'where to' now. give urself sometime to seek. anyway, glad to see tat u r continueing ur study. so where about? UM? UPM? UKM?
