Sunday, September 13, 2009


To do list:

1) Do some reading on Nipah and H1N1 viruses and try to identify the antigenic epitopes using some available softwares. I have no idea which analyzing software to use. Will try to Google. Thereafter, prepare a short sum up review. Extremely vital, as it illustrates the input that have successfully goes into my mind.

2) I need to digest a meaningful book that share some useful thoughts on how we lead our life to happiness by making a right decision. Hmmm, I bought it because it might be a handbook for me as I always struggled in decision making (But, I took management during undergrad).Sigh.

3) I think i have been eating non-stop starting from the past few weeks and lack of exercise. I am turning myself into a gigantic dinosaur. Without hesitation, get my sport shoes and swimming suit ready and stop overeating. Cheh, ALL TALK and NO ACTION!

4) Watch 'The Ugly Truth'

5) Join Toastmaster gathering and get to know awesome people. Learn from the way they speak out their mind and share their ideas in an impromptu manner.

Due : Next Sunday

1 comment:

  1. wat is toastmaster gathering?can i join?
    i thk we jz watch "the ugly truth" together..
    also,u r not gigantic..maybe "very large" only..haha..
    we swim and exercise together k.
