Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Berliner Philharmoniker

She is so immersed into the music and I wonder how she leads her real life.While she is not in front of the piano, what kind of person is she?

Wish list #1

Monday, April 26, 2010

Mood Swing

Totally moody the whole day, I don't know why.I strongly feel that I have stuffed enough rubbish into my life...hmmm..What am I going to do now? Good question. Have been asking myself this question don't know how many times? Enough..Enough...Yes..Yes I am going to lead a better life with joy. Papa, I love you, Mama, I will hug you tight when I go back, Ah shan, I promise myself will give you a surprise before or on your bday, Ah ge and Ah ping, I miss you all a lot. Will bring you all out for good food when I go back. I love you all so much!!!!! T.T Papa, thanks for everything, i am not a good daughter. Sorry for disappointing you.

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The Job’s Worth Doing Well

There will always be the knockers
When its your turn to sing.
There will always be those who say
You should be doing some other thing.
Remember this is your life, mate.
Do your best right from the bell
Always remembering that if the job’s worth doing,
The job’s worth doing well.
Do not knock the knockers
They are a type of judge.
They test your courage and resolve
To stand tall and never budge.
They spur you to remember
As you hear that final bell
That if the jobs worth doing,
The job’s worth doing well.
You’ve made it to the finals
All is quiet on the wings.
Not a word is heard from those who said
You should be doing other things.
Be glad about the knockers
For giving you so much hell.
They helped you to remember
The job’s worth doing well.
(Wong, 2010)

*Unethically copied from Yushan's post.



Saturday, April 17, 2010


这部戏很好看, 因为男主角很帅!不管啦,我承认我是花痴。。。


*Specially dedicated to someone :P 好期待去京都。。

Ee Lin's first lesson on F.Kuhlau

Please click on the uploaded image to enlarge and zoom to view the suggestion I wrote.

Oh ya, for Bar 9-12, it actually starts with left hand, because in right hand first count is a rest. Therefore to make the melody sound complete, emphasize the first note in left hand, pls. It goes the same for bar 13-16. Trickiest part: The first note for first pair of tuplet is a rest. So please beware of the tempo. Keep track and don't panic. If you are unaware of the count, you might play it a little bit faster or slower. If you lazy to start all over again, play from Bar 11/12, and continue just practicing the miscount part. ( I used to practice this for 1/2 an hour, just repeating the part) So no worries and don't give up.

I am still working on page 2 -3 . Actually it is an advice, your interpretation and mine might not be the same. Just for sharing purposes . *Tee hee :)

Sonatina is always a good book to start. Practice makes perfect and nice expression will come after you have master the notes ya. So please be patient while practicing. (*.*)
NB:To me, a well performed classical music will need to have certain criteria. First, accurate tempo. Next, so often you will come across it is much alike to chromatic scale so beware of finger turning (follow the fingering suggested) , try your best to make the turning smooth. Not to forget, liveliness! Make the piece sound lively by master the dynamics. Classical music is different from Romantic or 20th century piece, it is much simple yet soothing (没有很大的起伏,可是就有细水长流的感觉。)My sis is pretty good in playing Mozart classical piece. You need stamina for this (8-10 consecutive pages, not easy though.)

P.S To those students that ♥ classical music, please buy a notebook and jot down some notes about your feeling on a piece and how do you want it to be played. It can be a handbook that you can keep or share. This will definitely help in your ABRSM oral test. Will update you all when i completed the other two pages. Recently, I am really busy with my work.

Take care with ♪
¸.·´¸.·´¨) ¸.·*¨)
(¸.·´ (¸.·´ .·´ ¸

Thursday, April 15, 2010


转载(最近都很懒,靠转载来滥竽充数 ^^):

心 情,爱是一种感情;喜欢是一种直觉,爱是一种感觉;喜欢 可以停止,爱没有休止;喜欢一个人有时候盼和他(她)在 一起,爱一个人有时候怕和他(她)在一起;喜欢一个人不 停的和他(她)争执,爱一个人的时候不停的为他(她)付 出;喜欢一个人希望他(她)可以随时找到自己,爱一个人 希望自己能随时找到他(她);喜欢一个人总是为他(她) 笑,爱一个人总是为他(她)哭;喜欢是执着,爱是值得; 喜欢就是喜欢,很简单,爱是爱,很复杂;喜欢你却不一定 爱你,爱你就一定很喜欢你…… 喜欢一个人的时候只是一种心情,认为与对方在一起会感到特别开心,请注意,这只是一种直觉,包括你所认为的对他(她)有一种好感也是一种直觉,这种直觉没有触及到你的内心深处,完全只是一种表面印象。而爱不同,爱是一种感觉,一种发自你内心恶情意萌动,这时对方的形象全在你的头脑与意识深处,这种爱是靠五官来感应,靠七情六欲来激发的! 喜欢一个人,有时候盼和他(她)在一起,这是一种非常自然而又正常的心理渴望,而爱一个人有时却怕和他(她)在一起,怕看到对方。常常有这样一种人,渴望见到爱的人却又怕看到对方的身影,特别是不敢触及对方的眼睛,在自己所爱的人面前常常心惊胆跳,面红耳赤!如果你在谁的面前感到自己特别害羞,特别心跳时,那可能就说明你已经爱上对方了…… 说了那么多,还是只有这么一句:喜欢是淡淡的爱,爱是深深的喜欢! 是喜欢是爱大家自己想明白哦 ­

面对你心爱的人 你的心跳会加速 ­

然而面对你喜欢的人 你只会兴高采烈 ­

面对心爱的人 冬天就象是春天 ­

然而面对喜欢的人 冬天是个美丽的冬天 ­

假如你凝视的是你心爱的人 你会脸红 ­

假如你凝视的是你喜欢的人 你会微笑 ­

面对心爱的人 你不能说出心中的一切 ­

然而面对你喜欢的人你言无不尽 ­

面对心爱的人 你容易羞涩 ­

然而面对你喜欢的人你能展现真实的自我 ­

心爱的人时刻萦绕在你的 心头 ­

你不能直视心爱的人的眼睛 ­

然而你却能欣然迎接喜欢的人的目光 ­

当心爱的人哭泣 你会一同落泪 ­

而当喜欢的人流泪 你会停下来安慰 ­

爱的感觉源自眼睛 ­

而喜欢的感觉源自耳朵 ­

所以你如果不在喜欢你喜欢的人 ­

你只需要堵住耳朵 ­

但如果你试图闭上眼睛 ­

爱变化做一滴泪水永远留在你的心中 ­

世界上最甜美的事情 莫过于你慢慢地向我走来 ­

静静地诉说着「我爱你」 ­

暗恋~ ­

世界上最遥远的距离 不是生与死 ­

而是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你 ­


热恋~ ­

世界上最令人察觉不到的事情 便是你我在一起时 ­

那个不断流逝着的 ­

据说叫做「幸福」的日子 ­


痴恋~ ­

世界上最遥远的距离 ­

不是我就站在你面前 你却不知道我爱你 ­

而是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起 ­


苦恋~ ­

世界上最遥远的距离 ­

不是明明知道彼此相爱 却不能在一起 ­

而是明明无法抵挡这股想念 ­

却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 ­


失恋~ ­

世界上最遥远的距离 我明明无法抵挡这股想念 ­

却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里 ­

而是用自己冷默的心对爱你的人 ­

掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠 ­

  有些人一直没机会见,等有机会见了,却又犹豫了,相见不 如不见。 ­

  有些事一直没机会做,等有机会了,却不想再做了。 ­


  有些话埋藏在心中好久,没机会说,等有机会说的时候,却 说不出口了。 ­

  有些爱一直没机会爱,等有机会了,已经不爱了。 ­


  有些人很多机会相见的,却总找借口推脱,想见的时候已经 没机会了。 ­

  有些话有很多机会说的,却想着以后再说,要说的时候,已 经没机会了。 ­


  有些事有很多机会做的,却一天一天推迟,想做的时候却发 现没机会了。 ­

  有些爱给了你很多机会,却不在意没在乎,想重视的时候已 经没机会爱了。 ­


  人生有时候,总是很讽刺。 ­

  一转身可能就是一世。 ­


  说好永远的,不知怎么就散了。最后自己想来想去竟然也 搞不清当初是什么原因分开彼此的。然后,你忽然醒悟,感 情原来是这么脆弱的。经得起风雨,却经不起平凡;风雨同 船,天晴便各自散了。也许只是赌气,也许只是因为小小的 事。幻想着和好的甜蜜,或重逢时的拥抱,那个时候会是边流泪 边捶打对方,还傻笑着。 该是多美的画面。 ­


  没想到的是,一别竟是一辈子了。 ­


  于是,各有各的生活,各自爱着别的人。曾经相爱,现在已 互不相干。 ­

  即使在同一个小小的城市,也不曾再相逢。某一天某一刻, 走在同一条街,也看不见对方。先是感叹,后来是无奈。 ­


  也许你很幸福,因为找到另一个适合自己的人。 ­

  也许你不幸福,因为可能你这一生就只有那个人真正用心在 你身上。­

读后感:靠!这世上怎么有那么会写的人, 把感情描述得那么细腻, 他们是爱情专家?那么多时间探讨爱与喜欢, 生命难道就只有这两样吗?有时间探讨你能为社会,家庭,朋友和爱人做些什么不是更好? Just think that life should be more than just this.

Friday, April 9, 2010

六弄咖啡馆, 好悲



[喂。]阿智冷静地喂了 一声。




[因 为我是神,我猜得到。]阿智自以为帅气。



[对, 你果然是神。]接着就是喀啦一声,然后就嘟---

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Monday, April 5, 2010


几米说: 当你喜欢我的时候,

P.S The promise of dandelion